Food for the Hungry During Coronavirus


Lockdown Hardship for the Poorest People…

During the lockdown there were huge hardship for the poorest of people. People working for a daily wage were hardest hit. People live day to day in India with wages earned spent on food for the day. No work means no food. People do not have savings that they can draw upon and there is no widespread state aid or benefit system.

We provided food during lockdown for thousands of people and after lockdown we continued to provide food on a weekly basis for the homeless or very poor.

During lockdown we provided basic food supplies for pastors who are part of our ministry. Churches were not been able to meet for nearly eight weeks and whilst for those in other parts of the world the hardship was minimal our pastors had no income if there was no church meetings. The congregations of rural churches are already poor but with the lockdown many did not even have enough food for themselves let alone anything to give to support the pastor and his family.

We continue to feed hundreds of poor and homeless people on a weekly basis. We are very thankful for those who choose too support this work. We have trusted God to enable us to continue and since the covid 19 lockdown we have done so every week meaning thousands of poor and homeless people have both heard the gospel and been fed.

India is a place where many live just above starvation level. They are not living in famine so we do not see the pictures that we would see from those in Africa suffering starvation but what we do see regularly see is children who are severely malnourished or young people and adults who are mentally disabled through being malnourished as children.