Amazing Testimonies

Among our staff and ministry team we have many truly amazing testimonies.  Here are a few


Pastor Philip

Pastor Philip was a Painter and decorator prior to entering the ministry.  He was what we would call a nominal Christian although he had a call on his life.  His wife was not employed and they struggled with two small children tohave enough to live on. 

One day he fell from the third story of a building he was working on and broke his back.  He was laid up in bed with no hope of recovery, unable to move. 


As is so common when faced withoverwhelming difficulties people pray.  Philip prayed and had a dream that Jesus came to him dressed as a doctor and healed his back.  The next day he was able to sit up and from that moment on he started to get better.  

After committing himself to the ministry his wife also got a good job without paying any bribes.  Their life has been transformed by committing themselves to serve Jesus Christ. 



Pastor Elijah

Pastor Elijah was a faithful Christianworking in the ministry when he suffered total kidney failure.  He was sent home to die as he could not afford a transplant. 

He was laid out in the church and whilst there he prayed and told the Lord if he healed him he would continue in the ministry but if He could not heal him then take his life quickly.

That night he also had a dream and Jesus came to him and said he had given him two new kidneys and he should get up and go home.

He got up and went home and has ministered faithfully ever since.  In over 5 years he has taken no medication and is comletely healed.


Pastor Rajama

Rajama was a Christian married to a man who had no desire to serve the Lord.  He was subsequently to leave her with two young children.  Left alone with no means of support for her family she trusted God and committed herself to reaching the lost.

She has ministered faithfully in a very remote forest area leading souls to the Lord.  Her congregation walk for4 hours through the forest and over the mountains to church on a Sunday.

Her faithfulness has seenmany saved, a thriving church develop and both her daughters educated and one married.